In my future classroom I plan on having it be very colorful and exciting for students to be in. I always remember that my favorite classes were the ones with colorings on the wall and different projects hanging up for everyone to see. In high school my classrooms were very boring and I didn't enjoy going to each class nearly as much. I would make sure to have plenty of activities to do around the room for when we had free time and recess. Along with all of the fun and entertaining ideas I would need to have an area that could be for quiet, focus times where students would not get distracted and could focus on their work. A lot can go into making a classroom that fits you and your students, what would your classroom be like?
Nicole Hart
10/22/2013 09:23:07 am

I totally agree with you about making your classrooms bright and colorful. A classroom needs to be comfortable and organized as well

Karissa Hart
10/22/2013 11:05:02 pm

I agree with you about how a classroom needs to be an exciting inviting environment. Your classroom should reflect you as a teacher and certain things that you are interested in. I can picture your classroom having bright colors along with a sport theme.

Nina Furfaro
10/25/2013 07:48:21 am

I want to make my future classroom very colorful and appealing to the eye as well. I think that students have a more positive energy in the classroom when the room is vibrant with fun colors and pictures. Also, a more relaxed corner for students to do work quietly is a great idea, because anyone could get distracted in a room with too many decorations. Your ideal classroom sounds a lot like mine.


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